12 November - Global Day of Action during COP27

Almost a year on from COP26 in Glasgow, and climate disasters are multiplying. Yet governments have failed to deliver on any of their promises at COP26, either on improving their inadequate plans to cut emissions, overdue funding for the Global South, or on compensation for loss and damage. This year, world leaders will meet in Egypt for COP27.

The Egyptian government, host of the annual UN COP climate talks this year has detained tens of thousands of people for simply expressing their opinions, joining opposition groups or attempting to organise protests and strikes. With no possibility of real protest in Sharm el Sheikh resort where the negotiations will be held, Egyptian activists are calling on civil society to protest around the world on 12 November, rather than to travel to COP27. 

Here in the UK we know that our government's policies are driving climate breakdown, inequality and injustice, here and around the world. While people are being forced to choose between heating and eating, energy companies are making record-breaking profits. A push for North Sea drilling and even fracking will do nothing to lower bills, but will wreck attempts to tackle our emissions.

Join us on 12th November in mass mobilisations around the UK organised by the Climate Justice Coalition. Protests are planned in London, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Blackpool, Sheffield, Birmingham, Bristol, Coventry, Plymouth, Southampton, Portsmouth, Eastbourne, LowestoftCardiff, Swansea, CamarthenBelfast and Derry.

Latest list of protests and find out more about how to get involved.


UPDATE: Alaa Abdel Fattah, human rights activist and author has been on hunger-strike since April in protest at his unjust imprisonment. He will refuse water from 6 November, the first day of the climate summit. As a dual British Egyptian national, this petition set up by his sister calls on the UK Foreign Secretary to negotiate for his release urgently as his life is at risk. 

Campaign to free Alaa Abd El Fattah

African People’s Counter COP27 Declaration

'Everything you need to know about COP' Global Witness

Egyptian Human Rights Coalition petition demanding the opening up of civic space in Egypt, and the immediate and unconditional release of political prisoners

Statement calling on trade unionists and civil society: don't go to COP27, join the global protests outside Egypt

Holding the COP27 summit in Egypt’s police state creates a moral crisis for the climate movement, Naomi Klein

More resources from Egyptian Solidarity Initiative
