Local Groups and Alliances
There are groups campaigning on climate change and related issues around the country - some are listed below, but we know the list is not exhaustive. If you've got information about local campaigning that you'd like us to share, get in touch - info@campaigncc.org. You might also want to check the Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, Fossil Free UK, Frack Off and Global Justice Now websites for details of other local groups.
If you are thinking of setting up a new group to campaign on climate change, and you'd like some help, get in touch. You may find our resources page useful.
All local groups who campaign on climate change or related issues, for example fracking or social justice, are welcome to formally affiliate to the Campaign against Climate Change for £15/year (contact us on info@campaigncc.org to find out more).
Brighton Climate Action Network brings together individuals and organisations in the Brighton and surrounds who are acting on climate change.
Derby Climate Coalition is a coalition comprising of a number of local groups active in addressing the solutions to climate change, holding occasional general meetings; the steering group meets on a monthly basis. Anyone interested, both as individuals and as organisations, is welcome to join and attend meetings. Contact DerbyClimateCoalition@gmail.com or 07876 595993.
Contact Matthew Crighton matthewcrighton@gmail.com.
Kirklees Campaign against Climate Change links campaigners in the Huddersfield and Kirklees area.
Lancaster Climate Action is a network of activists in Lancaster committed to taking action on climate change and putting the climate on the agenda.
Contact the Campaign against Climate Change office or see updates for activities in London - there are always opportunities to get involved!
Manchester Campaign against Climate Change has mainly been focusing on fracking: check out the Frack Free Greater Manchester website for recent activities. To get involved, contact Judy Paskell on 07952 343755, 0161 773 6211 or judy.paskell@gmail.com.
Climate Hope Action in Norfolk is an independent group, dedicated to raising public awareness of climate change, who have continued to put pressure on the government to act in line with the Paris Agreement, following the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP21).
This Changes Nottingham are calling for less rhetoric and more action as they support the fight against climate change.
In Oxford and Oxfordshire more broadly, there are a diverse range of groups involved in climate campaigning. Recently many of these came together to set up a Climate and Flooding Alliance, linking the vulnerability of the area to climate-increased risk of flooding and the need for urgent emissions cuts. To find out more about the alliance and other campaigns, contact Jonathan Neale (findjonathan@hotmail.com) or Daniel Scharf (rippington@waitrose.com).
Plymouth Climate Council is on Facebook
Portsmouth Climate Action Network is a network of people who are calling for urgent action to cut carbon emissions in the Portsmouth area.
Southampton Climate Conversations is a group of organisations and individuals working on sustainability issues across the city of Southampton.
The Sheffield Climate Alliance is an alliance of local organisations and individuals who are pressing for fair and effective action to tackle climate change. The network is hosted by Sheffield Campaign against Climate Change.
Swindon Climate Action Network is active in Swindon and the surrounding areas, campaigning on local and national issues.
West Midlands
Climate Action Network West Midlands is a new organisation offering events and advice around climate change and other environmental issues.